Policy benefits: The National Development and Reform Commission encourages the development of the cell industry! Release of the Guiding Catalogue for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2024 Edition)

Source: Official website of the National Development and Reform Commission

Industry is the key to economic development and the foundation of a country's establishment. Promoting industrial structure adjustment is an important measure to build a modern industrial system, enhance core competitiveness of industries, and promote industries to move towards the high-end of the global value chain. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's industrial development has achieved remarkable results that have attracted worldwide attention. Its comprehensive strength, innovation, and competitiveness have reached a new level, forming advantages in scale, system, and leading advantages in some fields, effectively supporting the country's economic and social construction and its position as a major power. Today, the world is experiencing unprecedented changes, with a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation deepening. The global industrial and supply chain landscape is facing profound adjustments, and China's industrial development has entered a period of strategic opportunities and risks, with an increase in uncertain and unpredictable factors. In order to deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the deployment of the first meeting of the Central Committee of Finance and Economics, adapt to the new situation, new tasks, and new requirements of industrial development, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Issuing and Implementing the Interim Provisions on Promoting Industrial Structure Adjustment (Guofa [2005] No. 40), the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, has jointly revised and formed the "Guiding Catalogue for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2024 Edition)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Catalogue (2024 Edition)").

Source: National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China/Website:


The Catalogue (2024 Edition) consists of three categories: encouragement, restriction, and elimination. Encouragement mainly refers to technologies, equipment, and products that play an important role in promoting economic and social development; The restricted category mainly refers to outdated process technology that does not meet industry access conditions and relevant regulations, is not conducive to safety production, and is not conducive to achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals. It is necessary to supervise the transformation and prohibition of new production capacity, process technology, equipment, and products; The elimination category mainly refers to outdated process technologies, equipment, and products that do not comply with relevant laws and regulations, seriously waste resources, pollute the environment, pose serious safety hazards, hinder the achievement of carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, and require elimination. Except for encouragement, restriction, and elimination categories, and those that comply with relevant national laws, regulations, and policy provisions, they belong to the allowed category.

 The policy orientation is:

One is to promote the high-end, intelligent, and green manufacturing industry. Continuously enhancing the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, promoting quality improvement and brand building, and continuously leading the industry to leap towards the mid to high end. Taking intelligent manufacturing as the main focus, we will promote industrial technological transformation and optimization upgrading, accelerate the promotion and application of new intelligent manufacturing technologies, and promote the transformation of the manufacturing industry model. Encourage green technology innovation and the development of green environmental protection industries, promote energy conservation, carbon reduction, and green transformation in key areas, and resolutely curb the blind development of high energy consumption, high emissions, and low-level projects.

The second is to consolidate the leading position of advantageous industries. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, increase the proportion of advanced production capacity, and effectively expand high-quality supply. Resolve excess production capacity and eliminate outdated production capacity in accordance with laws and regulations. Vigorously developing strategic emerging industries, accelerating the development of the digital economy, forward-looking layout of future industries, and building new engines for industrial development. Solidly promote agricultural modernization, consolidate and improve the production capacity of grain and important agricultural products, and strengthen the support of agricultural technology and equipment. Accelerate the development of the Internet of Things and build an efficient and smooth circulation system. Optimize the layout, structure, function, and system integration of infrastructure, and build a modern infrastructure system.

The third is to accelerate the filling of shortcomings in the field of relationship security development. Accelerate the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, guided by national strategic needs, accumulate strength to carry out original and leading technological breakthroughs, and resolutely win the battle for key core technologies. Accelerate the reconstruction of industrial foundation and the research and development of major technological equipment, and enhance the ability to guarantee strategic resource supply. Strengthen the construction of security capabilities in key areas, enhance the resilience of the industrial system to shocks, ensure the security of food, energy resources, and important industrial and supply chains, and guard against systemic risks.

The fourth is to build a new system of high-quality and efficient service industry. Promote the deep integration of modern service industry with advanced manufacturing industry and modern agriculture, and cultivate new forms, models, and paths. Promoting the professionalization of productive service industries

13、 Medicine

1. Breakthroughs and applications in core pharmaceutical technologies: advanced manufacturing of raw materials such as membrane separation, novel crystallization, chiral synthesis, enzymatic synthesis, and continuous reactions, as well as green and low-carbon technologies, new drug formulation technologies, new biological delivery methods and delivery technologies, large-scale and efficient cell culture and purification, pharmaceutical peptide and nucleic acid synthesis technologies, antibody coupling, carrier virus preparation, and other technologies, all upgraded through modern biotechnology transformation.

2. New drug development and industrialization: Innovative and improved drugs with independent intellectual property rights, children's drugs, scarce drugs, rare disease drugs, major disease prevention and control vaccines, new antibody drugs, recombinant protein drugs, nucleic acid drugs, biological enzyme preparations, gene therapy and cell therapy drugs.

3. Biopharmaceutical supporting industry: development and production of chemical composition limited cell culture media, new purification fillers and filtration membrane materials, high-end pharmaceutical excipients, new vaccine adjuvants, special functional materials and other new pharmaceutical packaging materials and technologies, namely the development and production of mixed use, intelligent packaging and other new packaging systems and drug delivery devices; High end and intelligent pharmaceutical equipment, new formulation production equipment, large-scale bioreactors and ancillary systems, efficient protein separation and purification equipment, and continuous drug production equipment; Standardized breeding of experimental animals and animal experimental services.

4. Innovative development of high-end medical devices: new gene, protein, and cell diagnostic equipment, new medical diagnostic equipment and reagents, high-performance medical imaging equipment, high-end radiation therapy equipment, critical and critical life support equipment, artificial intelligence assisted medical equipment, mobile and remote diagnosis and treatment equipment, high-end rehabilitation assistive devices, high-end implanted intervention products, surgical robots and other high-end surgical equipment and consumables, development and application of biomedical materials and additive manufacturing technology.

5. Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Identification Technology, Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction Processing Technology, Development and Production of Innovative and Improved New Medicines of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ancient Classic and Famous Formula Formulations, and Ethnic Medicines, Development and Application of New Technologies and Equipment for Efficient Extraction of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Whole Process Quality Control, and Information Traceability.

The content of the pharmaceutical section in the Catalogue (2024 edition) | Source: Guiding Catalogue for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2024 edition)
