Seven departments have issued documents to promote the development of six major tracks, with cell and gene technology becoming the focus of the future health industry

Source: China Government Website

Seven departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, jointly issued the Opinions on the Implementation of Promoting the Innovative Development of Future Industries (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions). The Opinions proposed that by 2025, China's future industrial technological innovation, industrial cultivation, safety governance and other comprehensive development will reach the international advanced level in some areas, and the industrial scale will be steadily improved. A number of future industrial incubators and pilot areas will be built, breaking through 100 cutting-edge key core technologies, forming 100 landmark products, and initially forming a future industrial development model that conforms to China's reality. By 2027, China's future industrial comprehensive strength will be significantly improved, and some areas will achieve global leadership Major breakthroughs have been made in key core technologies, a number of new technologies, new products, new formats and new models have been widely applied, forming a long-term mechanism for sustainable development, and becoming an important source of future industries in the world.

Emphasis: Strengthen forward-looking planning and deployment. Accelerate the industrialization of cutting-edge technologies such as cell and gene technology, synthetic biology, and biological breeding, promote the empowerment of new medical services with technologies such as 5G/6G, metaverse, and artificial intelligence, and develop high-end medical equipment and health products that integrate advanced technologies such as digital biology and brain computer interaction.

Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Seven Other Departments on Promoting Future Industrial Innovation and Development


To the competent departments in charge of industry and informatization, education, science and technology, transportation, culture and tourism, and state-owned assets supervision and administration of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the state plan, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, all units under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, communication administrations of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, relevant central enterprises, and all relevant units:

The future industry is driven by cutting-edge technology and is currently in the stage of incubation or industrialization. It is a forward-looking emerging industry with significant strategic, leading, disruptive, and uncertain characteristics. Vigorously developing future industries is a strategic choice to lead technological progress, drive industrial upgrading, and cultivate new quality productivity. In order to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Outline of the 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long Range Objectives for 2035, seize the opportunities of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, accelerate the development of future industries around the battlefield of manufacturing owners, and support the promotion of new industrialization, the following opinions are hereby proposed.

1、 Guiding ideology


2、 Basic principles

Forward deployment and hierarchical cultivation. In response to the trend of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and in response to major national needs and strategic challenges, we will systematically plan and advance our layout. Grasp the laws of future industrial development, cultivate in stages, and dynamically adjust.

Innovation driven and application driven. Leading future industrial development with cutting-edge technological breakthroughs, strengthening original and disruptive technological innovation. Taking scenarios as the driving force, integrating research and application, and accelerating the industrialization process.

Ecological synergy and systematic promotion. Gathering resources such as government, industry, academia, research and application, integrating elements such as capital, talent, technology, and data, to create an industrial ecosystem with deep integration of innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain, and talent chain.

Open cooperation, secure and orderly. Actively participate in global future industrial division of labor and cooperation, and deeply integrate into the global innovation network. Coordinate technological innovation and ethical governance, and create an inclusive, prudent, safe, and sustainable development environment.

3、 Development goals

By 2025, comprehensive development will be achieved in industries such as technological innovation, cultivation, and security governance, with some areas reaching international advanced levels and the scale of industries steadily increasing. Build a number of future industry incubators and pilot zones, break through 100 cutting-edge key core technologies, form 100 iconic products, create 100 leading enterprises, explore 100 typical application scenarios, formulate 100 key standards, cultivate 100 professional service institutions, and initially form a future industry development model that is in line with China's actual situation.

By 2027, the comprehensive strength of future industries will significantly improve, and some areas will achieve global leadership. Key core technologies

(2) Accelerate technological innovation and industrialization

2. Enhance innovation capabilities. Implement national major scientific and technological projects and major scientific and technological breakthroughs in the key direction of future industries, and accelerate breakthroughs in key core technologies. Give full play to the role of innovation carriers such as national laboratories and national key laboratories, and strengthen the supply of basic common technologies. Encourage leading enterprises to lead the formation of innovation consortia, gather resources from industry, academia, research and utilization, and systematically promote technological breakthroughs in key areas. Promote cross disciplinary technology integration and innovation, accelerate disruptive technological breakthroughs, and create a source of original technology. Holding a Future Industry Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition to stimulate innovation momentum from all sectors.

3. Promote the transformation of achievements. Release a directory for promoting cutting-edge technology applications, build an online publishing hall for future industrial achievements, create a product trading platform, hold achievement docking exhibitions, and promote precise supply-demand docking. Build new models for technology services and technology markets, select professional institutions for evaluating and transferring scientific and technological achievements, and explore application scenarios and business models. Implement incentive policies for the first major technical equipment and first batch of materials, and accelerate the application and promotion of new technologies and products.

(3) Creating iconic products

4. Breaking through the next generation of intelligent terminals. Develop industrial terminal products that adapt to the trend of general intelligence, support the improvement of industrial production quality and efficiency, and empower new industrialization. A consumer grade terminal with a large development volume, wide coverage, intelligent convenience, and immersive experience, meeting new needs such as digital life, digital culture, and public services. Building intelligent and elderly friendly medical and health terminals to enhance the quality of life and health of the people. Breaking through super terminals with explosive potential such as high-level intelligent connected vehicles and the entrance to the metaverse, and building new competitive advantages in the industry.

5. Improve information service products. Develop the next generation operating system and build a secure and reliable digital base. Promote open source technology, build open source communities, and build an open source ecosystem. Explore blockchain as the core technology and data as the key element to build the next generation of Internet innovative applications and digital ecology. Accelerate the research and development of software products for the new generation of mobile information networks, brain like intelligence, etc., encourage the demonstration and application of new products, and stimulate the potential of information services.

6. Strengthen future high-end equipment. To meet the major strategic needs of the country and the needs of a better life for the people, we will accelerate the implementation of major technology and equipment research projects, break through high-end equipment products such as humanoid robots, quantum computers, ultra high speed trains, next-generation large aircraft, green intelligent ships, and unmanned boats, and use complete machines to drive the industrialization of new technologies, creating a globally leading high-end equipment system. Deepen the implementation of the industrial foundation reconstruction project, fill the gaps in basic components, basic components, basic materials, basic processes, and basic software, and consolidate the foundation of future industrial development.

(5) Rich application scenarios

10. Explore new industrialization scenarios. Focusing on key areas such as equipment, raw materials, and consumer goods, we aim to create an application testing ground for design, production, testing, and operation and maintenance, and promote the maturity of future industrial technology through large-scale iterative application of products. Deepen the integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing industry, accelerate the restructuring of industrial chain structure, processes and models, and explore new applications in future manufacturing. Give full play to the rich scene advantages of central enterprises and accelerate the construction of diversified future manufacturing scenes. Accelerate the promotion of emerging scenarios such as industrial metaverse and biological manufacturing, and drive the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry through scenario innovation.

11. Create cross-border integration scenarios. Relying on major activities, we will achieve cross disciplinary and comprehensive pilot applications of cutting-edge technologies and products, and create demonstration benchmarks. By relying on major engineering and project scenarios such as manned spaceflight and deep sea and earth exploration, accelerate the innovative application of achievements in exploring future space directions, and serve national strategic needs. By relying on the construction of urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas, we aim to create a green and intensive integration of industry and city. Innovate future information service scenarios and accelerate the formation of a new paradigm of inclusive, equal, convenient, and intelligent information services.

12. Construct iconic scenes. Regularly select and publish a list of typical application scenarios and recommended directories, and establish a library of excellent cases and solutions. Guide local development of distinctive benchmark demonstration scenarios, organize high-level supply and demand docking activities based on the scenarios, and accelerate the promotion of new technologies and products. Encourage enterprises to carry out innovative research and development for application scenarios, support universities and research institutes to build early experimental scenarios for original and disruptive technologies, and lead future technological iteration breakthroughs.

(6) Optimize the industrial support system

13. Strengthen standard guidance and patent protection. Based on the needs of future industrial development, we will coordinate and lay out a standardized development path for future industries, and accelerate the development of key standards. Timely promote and train key standards, guide enterprises to benchmark and meet standards, and accelerate the application and promotion of future industrial standards. Promote the coordinated development of standards, patents, and technology, and guide enterprises to integrate independent intellectual property rights with technological standards. Improve the mechanism for building and reserving independent intellectual property rights in key areas, deepen cooperation between international and domestic intellectual property organizations, and build a system for selecting, evaluating, and promoting high-quality patents in future industries.

(6) Optimize the industrial support system

13. Strengthen standard guidance and patent protection. Based on the needs of future industrial development, we will coordinate and lay out a standardized development path for future industries, and accelerate the development of key standards. Timely promote and train key standards, guide enterprises to benchmark and meet standards, and accelerate the application and promotion of future industrial standards. Promote the coordinated development of standards, patents, and technology, and guide enterprises to integrate independent intellectual property rights with technological standards. Improve the mechanism for building and reserving independent intellectual property rights in key areas, deepen cooperation between international and domestic intellectual property organizations, and build a system for selecting, evaluating, and promoting high-quality patents in future industries.

14. Simultaneously build pilot capacity. Build a batch of pilot and application verification platforms according to industrial needs, enhance the supply capacity of precision measuring instruments, high-end testing equipment, design simulation software, etc., provide a trial environment for key technology verification, and accelerate the transformation of new technologies into real productivity. Build a number of pilot public service institutions to improve the level of pilot services such as engineering development, technical maturation, sample trial production, and testing verification.

15. Build a professional talent team. Vigorously cultivate leading entrepreneurs and scientists in the future industry, optimize an innovative and entrepreneurial environment that encourages originality and tolerates failure. Stimulate the innovation vitality of scientific researchers, build a group of future technical colleges, and explore the training mode of compound innovative talents. Strengthen joint training between schools and enterprises, expand overseas talent introduction channels, and increase the introduction of high-level talents in cutting-edge fields.

16. Strengthen new infrastructure. Deeply promote the construction of 5G, computing infrastructure, industrial Internet, Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles, gigabit optical network and other key technology research, prospective layout of 6G, satellite Internet, mobile phone direct satellite and other key technologies, and build a high-speed ubiquitous, integrated, smart, green, safe and efficient new digital infrastructure. Guide major technological infrastructure to serve future industries, deepen the sharing of facilities, equipment, and data, and accelerate the transformation and application of cutting-edge technologies. Promote the integration and empowerment of new generation information technology into traditional infrastructure such as transportation, energy, and water conservancy, develop the digital economy of highways, and accelerate the digital transformation of infrastructure.

5、 Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen overall planning and coordination. Under the leadership of the Central Committee of Science and Technology and in accordance with the requirements of the National Leading Group for Building a Strong Manufacturing Country, a work pattern of inter ministerial collaboration and central local collaboration has been formed. Guided by implementation opinions, special policy documents will be formulated around professional fields such as brain computer interfaces and quantum information, forming a comprehensive future industrial policy system. Play the role of industry associations and other social organizations, promote advanced typical cases, and create a good atmosphere for promoting future industrial development.

(2) Increase financial support. Promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, increase investment in the National Fund for the Development of Small and Medium sized Enterprises, and implement the "Technology Industry Financial Integration" special project to drive more capital to invest in hard technology early and small. Improve financial and tax support policies, encourage policy banks and financial institutions to increase investment, guide local governments to establish future industrial special funds, explore the establishment of risk compensation special funds, optimize risk provision funds and other compensation measures.

(3) Strengthen security governance. Adhere to the concept of inclusive and prudent governance, explore cross departmental joint governance models, and build a future industrial governance pattern with multi-party participation and effective collaboration. Strengthen research on ethical norms, scientifically define "red lines" and "bottom lines", and build an integrated mechanism of identification evaluation defense governance. Guide enterprises to establish self-discipline mechanisms such as data management and product development, improve safety monitoring, early warning analysis, and emergency response measures, and prevent risks in the application of cutting-edge technologies.

(4) Deepen international cooperation. Rely on mechanisms such as the "the Belt and Road", encourage domestic enterprises and research institutions to go out and participate in the global future industrial division in depth. Encourage multinational corporations, foreign scientific research institutions, and others to establish cutting-edge technology research and development centers in China, and promote joint technology research and industrialization applications by domestic and foreign enterprises. Organize events such as the Global Forum on Future Industry Development and form the International Innovation Alliance for Future Industries. Strengthen cooperation with relevant international organizations, actively participate in the formulation of international governance rules and standards, and actively contribute Chinese products, solutions, and wisdom.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Ministry of Education Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Transport Ministry of Culture and Tourism State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council Chinese Academy of Sciences January 18, 2024